Friday, October 19, 2012

North Etiwanda Preserve Trail

Gary decided to surprise me with a drive "down the hill" to have lunch at Panera Bread. It is a bakery-cafe and since I love everything carbs it was perfect!
Half of G's sandwich & half of mine :)
After lunch G wanted to drive around the foothills and look for a nice place to take photos of birds or scenery or whatever! I noticed a sign that said Etiwanda Preserve and since neither one of us had heard of it, we decided to check it out! Here is our spontaneous 3 mile hike as told by the iPhone :)

mile 0 of ?? approx. 2100 feet

must have photo of photographer
Information Kiosk
made it to mile 1 :)
early settler ruins (well at least the fireplace)
looking west
aaah! civilization at the panoramic viewpoint!
looking south on a hazy {smoggy} day approx. 2700 ft
mile 3
A fun & spontaneous day trip it turned out to be!

If you want more info about the trail check our the website: North Etiwanda Preserve Trail

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Boulder Creek Ranch Harvest Festival

It's finally cooling off a bit here in the high desert and today was a lovely day to wander around Boulder Creek Ranch with B & K and their little man! G & I would probably never go to the festival because of the incident from our last visit ;) but it sounded like a great opportunity to enjoy the day with family! My favorite moment of the day was meeting "Jack Sparrow" and little man's reaction to him. When he is older my plan is to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean together and then show him the pictures to see if I can convince him that he really met Johnny Depp. Here are a few snapshots from the day, courtesy of the iPhone and a point & shoot. Check out GP McCash Photography for the money shots.

Boulder Creek Ranch
Papa G is hiding in the branches
 "what are you looking at?"