Friday, October 19, 2012

North Etiwanda Preserve Trail

Gary decided to surprise me with a drive "down the hill" to have lunch at Panera Bread. It is a bakery-cafe and since I love everything carbs it was perfect!
Half of G's sandwich & half of mine :)
After lunch G wanted to drive around the foothills and look for a nice place to take photos of birds or scenery or whatever! I noticed a sign that said Etiwanda Preserve and since neither one of us had heard of it, we decided to check it out! Here is our spontaneous 3 mile hike as told by the iPhone :)

mile 0 of ?? approx. 2100 feet

must have photo of photographer
Information Kiosk
made it to mile 1 :)
early settler ruins (well at least the fireplace)
looking west
aaah! civilization at the panoramic viewpoint!
looking south on a hazy {smoggy} day approx. 2700 ft
mile 3
A fun & spontaneous day trip it turned out to be!

If you want more info about the trail check our the website: North Etiwanda Preserve Trail


  1. I had a great time Lee! Thank you!

  2. You're welcome :) Looking forward to seeing the professional photos!
